(Chrome users, sorry. No countdown for you guys unless you switch to other browsers. [why not?] Also, the typography is not rendered correctly as intended in chrome.)
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to Common Test
What is it for you ask? Just to make you feel stressed (Actually so that you start preparing).
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Performance Tasks, Due on T2 W1
PRIORITY:!!!Chemistry - The Chemistry Performance Task is due on Term 2 Week 1. You are to submit a partially completed draft report by now. It consists of
Water parameters and chemical content of water sample.
Importance of water parameters and chemical content
Analysis of water parameters and identities of contaminants
Usage of decision matrix and determining of priorities
ALSO Make sure you have been building the prototype.
PRIORITY:!!!English - The English Performance Task (Finalised video) is due on Term 2 Week 1.
PRIORITY:!!Physics - Complete the report sections 1.1 to 2.3. And you should have finished the car by now. Check [Here] for more details.
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Homework & Reminders, Due Tomorrow, 27th March
PRIORITY:!!!Reminder - S&W reps. please meet Mr. Hiap at PESTA tomorrow by 2.30pm. Details available on the google site [here]
PRIORITY:!!!Reminder - There is no Mathematics TDP tomorrow.
PRIORITY:!!Reminder - You are reminded to submit the OBS forms by Monday, 30th March.
PRIORITY:!!!Reminder - For those who have not submitted your Killer Viruses homework (English), put it in Mr. Chen's pigeon hole by 1.35 tomorrow.
PRIORITY:!!Service Learning - Please take a look at the iBook project. Make sure that the planning and assigning of roles are done and ready to go.
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics - Do the graph sketching (Logarithms).
PRIORITY:!!!Physics - Finish the Physics worksheet 5
PRIORITY:!!Social Studies - I honestly have no idea, please tell me.
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Homework & Reminders, Due Monday, 30th March
PRIORITY:!!Reminder - You are reminded to submit the OBS forms by Monday, 30th March.
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics - Do the Mathematics Tutorial on Surds and Indices by Monday.
PRIORITY:!!!English - Finish up the rewriting segment (GrpB-B1)
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics - Please finish up the Circles quiz and the AA itself.
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics - Do the Mathematics papers if you can.
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics AA - Mathematics AA is due on T2W1, please visit Ace-Learning to find out more under assignments. Complete assignments 1 - 4 and the quiz will be issued out on 30th March, Monday after school reopens. Remember, you can only attempt the quiz once. Visit [here] for more details.
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Homework & Reminders, Due Tuesday, 31st March
PRIORITY:!!!Mathematics - Do the Mathematics Tutorial on Surds and Indices by Monday.
PRIORITY:!!!Chemistry - Those who have not finished KPT workbook, please finish it.
PRIORITY:!!Chemistry - Fill in all 'holes' for your chemistry worksheets and notes. Check google sites for the slides [here]
PRIORITY:!!!Chemistry - Make sure you have been doing your Chemistry PT Report and built a prototype.
PRIORITY:!!Chemistry - Please dig up every single worksheets, notes and file and bring em'.
PRIORITY:!!!FOE - Complete all FOE tutorials on the Ngee Ann Poly students site. You guys should have your passwords and usernames for login.
Notes from the secretary
PRIORITY:X Also, please tell me if I missed out anything for the homework post, or if you want me to put your Mother Tongue homeworks on the homework post. Feel free to message me or something.
PRIORITY:!!!!!!!! Always remember to clean the whiteboard...
PRIORITY:X Well, time to start working towards Common Test
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