
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

6th January - To-dos, reminders, and homeworks

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Due Tommorow, Seventh January

  1. PRIORITY:!!!!! Bring your thermometers for tomorrow morning.
  2. PRIORITY:!!!!! Remember to stay back tomorrow after school for the Maths diagnostic test from two to three. Good luck guys, revise.
  3. PRIORITY:!!!!! Finish the physics group presentation planning and slides by today for tomorrow.
  4. PRIORITY:!!! Finish filling in the emergency contact details (sent in email) as soon as possible; preferably by tomorrow as this will be used to add all of us to the respective messaging groups
  5. PRIORITY:!!!!! For those who has not submitted their report books or the consent forms, please remember to sign it and submit it BY tomorrow.
  6. PRIORITY:!!! For those who has not filled in service learning reflections, finish filling in the form that should be in your email inbox.

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Due by Thursday, Eighth January

  1. PRIORITY:!!!!! There is a chemistry quiz on Thursday, remember to learn the cations and anions by heart.

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Due by Friday, Ninth January

  1. PRIORITY:!!!! Get the SDM form signed and the SDM updated.

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Reminder/due by Monday, Twelfth January

  1. PRIORITY:!!!! Chemistry lesson will be in the chemistry lab
  2. PRIORITY:!! Bring social studies files on Monday
  3. PRIORITY:!!! Watch the video and read the document on the social studies blog.
  4. PRIORITY:!! Fill in the two social studies worksheets after finishing the task above.

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Reminders for the forseeable future...

  1. PRIORITY:! There will be a weekly task roster where everyone will be assigned to classroom jobs randomly and will change each week to spice things up abit.

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